About me


I’m Paolo and I’m working as postdoctoral researcher at the BarnOwl lab (University of Lausanne) investigating Barn owl movement ecology. Here, we work with high-resolution GPS and accelerometer data to study the nocturnal behaviour of this iconic species! We focus on linking movement patterns (e.g. foraging and prospecting) with parental investment, fitness parameters and long term individual data.

I obtained my Ph.D. at the University of Haifa, working in the Animal Flight Lab under the supervision of Dr. Nir Sapir. My research focused on the effects of environmental conditions on diurnal migration movements of large birds in the Mediterranean region. Specifically, I investigated how migrating birds adjust their flight behaviour and route selection to different atmospheric conditions, geographical contexts and ecological barriers.

paolo_bermuda-1I am also involved in and interested in linking movement ecology with conservation and monitoring of bird populations. Currently, I collaborate with several people (G. Dell’Omo, L. Campioni, etc.), institutions (Canadian Wildlife Service, MPI-AB) and associations (Ornis italica, Biophonia, Berta maris, Jocotoco) towards the common goal of increasing the understanding of non-invasive methods to monitor seabird populations, and to link animal tracking with improved conservation practices.

See my CV to find out more about my work and experience.
